The AutoSense Mobile Truck Simulator gives you the unique opportunity to evaluate your drivers' full driving competency in just one hour, minimising business interruption while providing safety compliance training.
Driver awareness levels, responses to failures, emergency situations and fuel efficiency are assessed and reported. This provides a clear path towards safe, efficient, low risk and fuel efficient driving practices throughout your fleet.
This evaluation is a valuable tool in ensuring your drivers are both fuel efficient and follow safe driving practices. Evaluations based on the SAFED style are customised to your company’s common driving situations.
What’s involved
A thirty minute simulator practical assessment.
Company risk profile for fleets including corrective actions.
Assists you to meet new workplace safety regulations including director’s duty of care.
Simulator comes to your town or your business.
Book a full day (12 drivers), half day or we'll organise individual driver training for you.

What you’ll get out of it
Vehicle Health & Safety compliance process
Company risk profile is provided for fleets.
Driver fuel efficiency rating.
Lower crash rates and driver risk.
Reduced running costs.
Reduced maintenance costs.
Minimised insurance premiums.
Actively engaged staff in the vehicle Health and Safety.
Hear why Guardian is a key part of TIL’s health and safety programme