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Helping manage work-related road safety to ensure your employees and vehicles remain safe on the roads.

Regardless of the size of your business, having safe driving policies and initiatives is essential to keep your employees safer while driving at work. This not only helps businesses meet their obligations under the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 (HASW) but also reduces risk, ensuring the safety of people and the proper maintenance of vehicles.


Whether you have an existing policy that needs updating, or you need a hand to create one, we can help!

How we can help:

1. Review Existing Policy (if applicable)

  • If an existing policy is in place, read and analyse the current policy.

  • Create a policy outline including a Fleet Driving Procedure (appendix).

  • If no policy is in place, begin by drafting a new policy.


2. Draft Initial Policy Document

  • Create a draft procedure document referencing key legislative documents such as NZTA Safe Driving Good Practices and the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.


3. Internal Review

  • Have the draft reviewed internally by AutoSense.

  • Include any driver risk management recommendations.


4. Client Review Meeting

  • Conduct a review meeting with the client to present the draft policy and procedure documents.

  • Gather feedback from the client.


5. Revise and Finalise

  • Make necessary changes to the policy based on client feedback.

  • Finalise the policy for client approval.


6. Deliverables

  • Provide the client with the re-written policy, Policy Commitment Statement (summary), and Safe Driving Procedures Document.


7. Consider Stealth-Wide Implementation

  • Consider implementing the final Safe Driving Policy across the entire organisation (Stealth-wide).

  • it is important to incorporate it into your business's health and safety policy and procedures. Ensure all workers, especially those who drive as part of their jobs, are informed about it.

By following these steps, you will ensure a thorough and effective implementation of your Safe Driving Policy.


Timing: The process will take between 4-6 weeks. Lead-time to be confirmed on acceptance. 

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